Heal Through Story

We teach you how to take your most painful experiences, emotional upheavals, and turn them into a fictional story.

Current Offerings & Projects

Now Available!

It's time to reclaim, retell, and rewrite your story, your way.

In Forged in Fire: Writing Fiction to Heal, Jade Eby takes you through, step by step, the process of mining your own painful traumas and emotional upheavals in order to write a fictionalized narrative for your healing journey.

We all have a story to tell and it’s time to reclaim and rewrite it your way.


coming soon!

The original “writing fiction to heal” story as discussed in Forged in Fire: Writing Fiction to Heal will be available to purchase for the first time, ever.

Izzy McLoughlin is pissed.

She and her father witnessed something they shouldn’t have and now the police are framing her father for the crime.

Not one to stand by, Izzy does what she thinks is right — taking matters into her own hands.

But she might end up with more than she bargained for in this wild revenge-soaked story.

A serialized fiction experiment paired with real-time reflections on writing fiction as a healing practice.

Happening now

“You should write a memoir!”

But what if the idea of writing a memoir about your life seems too overwhelming, too unlikely, and too invasive, yet you can’t shake the undeniable desire to write something, anything that may help you heal?

Enter Fiction.


  • Workshop

    Learn more about the Writing Fiction to Heal Workshop.

  • About

    Read more about the creator & theory behind Writing Fiction to Heal.

  • essays

    Articles, case studies, and demos of the Writing Fiction to Heal method.

Kind Words from others

  • Jessie C., Coaching Client

    “I worked with Jade through her Writing Fiction to Heal method and found my entire world changing. Her method of helping me take a painful event and turn it into a fiction story helped me heal and recognize where I had room to grow in my recovery.”

  • Joli T., Coaching Client

    “After trying to write a memoir several times, I decided to try my hand at fiction instead. I found Jade through trauma recovery coaching and wanted to try out the WF2H method. Turns out, I’m much better at writing fiction than I am memoir! I have loved the process of getting my emotions down on the page in this story rather than mucking through writing the actual story I lived.”

  • Lila M., Coaching Client

    “I was really interested in seeing what Jade’s Writing Fiction to Heal method was all about and during our coaching sessions, I realized how therapeutic it was to write out my feelings through fiction without having to relive my traumatic event. It was freeing!”